July 2024


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January 2018

Art Prive Russian Journal 2018

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November 2011

Expo "Turbulent Times "  Paris Match- Ahlam Shalabi du figuratif à l'abstrait.   L'artiste genevoise Ahlam Shalabi expose une vingtaine de ses toiles à la galerie Nest à Genève. Elle pose un regard sensible  sur la nature et les femmes.

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June 2009

"Hidden Beauty"Documentary Film Producer Olga Sapozhnikova traces the lives of four women she calls "heroes". http://www.cultureunplugged.com/storyteller/Olga%20_Sapozhnikova/TFRFPStP#/myFilms

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December 2012

"Eyes of a Woman I" exhibition that was held in Dubai, UAE, consisted of a collection of female artists originating from many diverse backgrounds and origins. The theme was to get their viewpoint on war politics, environmental issues as well women's rights and how it transmitted in their art. http://media.wix.com/ugd/66f161_81b58a6ac94643f0804a835aa0e7a95d.pdf  

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